anxiety vs Jesus

what does the Bible have to say about anxiety? there are so many people these days who suffer from crippling anxiety and even those who take medication to gain some relief. worry has robbed countless of sleep, caused stress-related health problems, and changed how some approach their day. i cannot imagine that God would have…

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the plane captain

 i currently work at an airport, and if you have the opportunity to observe a flight line, you may notice an individual giving direction to the pilots. they relay orders through hand signals and gestures. this occupation might be a predominantly military position, but i have observed similar ground crew at commercial airports, usually with…

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preach preacher

oxford languages define the word preach as a verb meaning, “Deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church. Publicly proclaim or teach (a religious message or belief). Earnestly advocate (a belief or course of action).” outside of the Garden of Eden, God has most often chosen an oracle,…

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happy new year

happy new year, and welcome back to another eggsandJesus blog post. regrettably, it has been a couple of weeks since my last post, as we have been enjoying the holidays and have had some cold virus sweep through our home. despite my lame excuses, i have committed to writing, and I apologize for this late…

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the elder brother

the story of the prodigal son found in Luke chapter 15 is one of the most recognizable parables of Jesus. people who have spent any amount of time away from a church building and then return automatically identify with the prodigal. maybe you place with the Father if you have a child that has disregarded…

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a price to be paid

 ministry costs. we have all heard it preached at one time or another. there is a price for ministry. some people relate this to the financial aspect of buying materials or printing flyers. at the very least, your ministry should cost a dying out to self and chasing after God’s will. not long ago, i…

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financial stewardship

biblically, money and finance are a hot topic throughout the scriptures. one of the reasons for so many lessons would be the controlling aspect of material goods. we can utilize several references to manage our money and become good stewards of God’s provision. i will be discussing the origins of wealth and how we are…

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