the elder brother

the story of the prodigal son found in Luke chapter 15 is one of the most recognizable parables of Jesus. people who have spent any amount of time away from a church building and then return automatically identify with the prodigal. maybe you place with the Father if you have a child that has disregarded…

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a price to be paid

 ministry costs. we have all heard it preached at one time or another. there is a price for ministry. some people relate this to the financial aspect of buying materials or printing flyers. at the very least, your ministry should cost a dying out to self and chasing after God’s will. not long ago, i…

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truth versus conviction

 i was recently listening to a podcast that i had come across on studying the scriptures (The Truth Church, Face the Truth, S4 E122: Interpreting Scripture, 2 Dec 2021,, and one of their statements interested me. the subject of personal convictions in relationship to Truth. i had not given this very much thought. my…

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to be reconciled

 a quick google search for the definition of the word reconcile brings the meaning as “to restore friendly relations between” and “make (one account) consistent with another, especially by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed.” the Latin root translated for this word is “to bring back together.” the fall of man introduced sin,…

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