Teaching a Bible Study

I begin with this statement: I do not believe there is any substitute for one-on-one evangelism. Going into someone’s home or inviting them to your house and discovering answers is a proven Biblical formula for discipleship. As technology advances, this format may be the only way to reach some who spend countless hours online. So,…

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Early Church Fundamental

When asked to identify something foundational for the early church, my mind gravitated directly to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Ghost is the catalyst and most basic requirement for all we do. It brings “Spiritual birth” (John 3:5); the Spirit guides us into all truth (John16:13) and teaches us…

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He has Made Me Glad

“Glad” is being pleased, delighted, and causing happiness (Oxford Languages, Google). Gladness should be as big a part of the Christian attitude and demeanor as any other attribute of being Spirit-filled. The scripture says this is the day the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and be glad. (Ps 118:24). Ps 122:1 also states I…

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Lively Stones

In the temptation in the wilderness, Jesus faced a pile of rocks and a grudgeful adversary. Satan snarled, “If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread” (Matthew 4:3, KJV, Tyndale, 1987). Jesus had spent forty days praying in isolation and fasting. This miracle would have satisfied the growling of…

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