The Cross

For over two thousand years, we have looked toward the cross as a symbol of sacrifice and devotion. We have crosses hanging on our walls, around our necks, and on our keychains. Have we used this symbol so frequently in our daily lives that we forget its significance? How can we keep the method of…

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condensed salvation

 i taught a teenage and early high school-aged Sunday school class for years. from time to time, we would have a visitor or someone unfamiliar with the Apostolic doctrine. in these cases, i would always cover fundamental salvation doctrine before the end of class time. this material gave the individual something to think about, perhaps…

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preach preacher

oxford languages define the word preach as a verb meaning, “Deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church. Publicly proclaim or teach (a religious message or belief). Earnestly advocate (a belief or course of action).” outside of the Garden of Eden, God has most often chosen an oracle,…

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to be reconciled

 a quick google search for the definition of the word reconcile brings the meaning as “to restore friendly relations between” and “make (one account) consistent with another, especially by allowing for transactions begun but not yet completed.” the Latin root translated for this word is “to bring back together.” the fall of man introduced sin,…

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the necessary burial

baptism has been a highly debatable topic among Christian groups and denominations for a long time. the water medium and method of declaration over a baptism varies if even believed to be necessary. i hope to persuade some to take a deeper look at this subject and identify the necessity, method, and declaration that is…

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why do you believe what?

i have always been fascinated by the way that we learn and develop throughout our lives. it seems some things are automatic depending on your family, your hometown, and other various support systems. why do we believe things the way that we do? is it our experiences through life? is it who has taught us?…

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