Kingdom Smells

As I was thinking about this series, the smell seemed like it would be the most complicated sense to write about, particularly to attach a kingdom purpose to it. As I concentrated on this article, I was impressed by the connection between smell and memory. Some of my favorite scents in the world are Confederate…

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Christian mentality

life constantly throws you curveballs. not long after you successfully overcome an obstacle, another will present itself. the question is, did you learn anything from what you went through? some people repeat the same cycle and never pick up on the lesson hidden in the trial. we may get stuck in a rut without even…

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anxiety vs Jesus

what does the Bible have to say about anxiety? there are so many people these days who suffer from crippling anxiety and even those who take medication to gain some relief. worry has robbed countless of sleep, caused stress-related health problems, and changed how some approach their day. i cannot imagine that God would have…

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how you handle a no

 in my life, there are several instances have i earnestly prayed my petition unto the Lord, seeking an answer. when those answers are a simple yes or no, it seems as though God most often confirms with a no. receiving a no from God is not necessarily a rebuke, but as we do not see…

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ministry and prayer

nothing is more important, next to being born again of the water and of the Spirit, than having a prayer life. this applies to all souls everywhere, but especially the minister (and we have all been given the ministry of reconciliation). how would we reach and teach to those around us and not be in…

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